blue boat on sand near body of water during daytime

Russia, the largest country in the world, is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes. While many travelers are drawn to its bustling cities and vast wilderness, Russia’s coastline also offers some incredible beach destinations. From the icy shores of the Arctic Ocean to the temperate beaches of the Black Sea, Russia’s coastlines are as varied as they are beautiful. Here’s a guide to some of the best beaches in Russia, each with its own unique charm.

1. Yantarny Beach, Kaliningrad Region

  • Location: Yantarny, Kaliningrad Oblast
  • Highlights: Golden sands, amber hunting
  • Best Time to Visit: June to August

Yantarny Beach is famous for its golden sands and clear waters. The name “Yantarny” translates to “Amber,” and the beach is a popular spot for amber hunting. Visitors can often find small pieces of this precious gemstone washed up on the shore.

2. Pebble Beach, Vladivostok

  • Location: Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai
  • Highlights: Unique pebble surface, stunning sunsets
  • Best Time to Visit: May to September

Unlike the sandy shores of Yantarny, Pebble Beach in Vladivostok is covered in smooth, rounded stones. The beach offers a unique experience and is a favorite spot for photographers, especially during sunset.

3. Olympic Beach, Sochi

  • Location: Sochi, Krasnodar Krai
  • Highlights: Black Sea coast, subtropical climate
  • Best Time to Visit: May to October

Sochi, the host city of the 2014 Winter Olympics, is also home to some of Russia’s most popular beaches. The subtropical climate and beautiful Black Sea coast make it a favorite destination for both Russians and international tourists.

4. Dzhankhot Beach, Gelendzhik

  • Location: Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Krai
  • Highlights: Secluded coves, lush greenery
  • Best Time to Visit: June to September

Dzhankhot Beach is a hidden gem located near the town of Gelendzhik. Surrounded by lush greenery and secluded coves, it’s an ideal spot for those looking for a peaceful retreat.

5. Teriberka Beach, Murmansk

  • Location: Teriberka, Murmansk Oblast
  • Highlights: Arctic Ocean, unique landscapes
  • Best Time to Visit: June to August for milder weather

For those seeking a truly unique experience, Teriberka Beach offers a chance to explore the shores of the Arctic Ocean. While swimming might not be an option, the rugged landscapes and unique flora and fauna make it a must-visit destination.


Russia’s beaches offer a diverse range of experiences, from the golden sands of Yantarny to the icy shores of Teriberka. Whether you’re looking for a bustling beach resort or a secluded coastal retreat, Russia’s coastline has something to offer. Remember to consider the local climate and pack accordingly, as the weather can vary greatly from one region to another. Happy beach-hopping in Russia!